Healthcare Reform Teaches Financial Responsibility Part II
As consumers it is not about the doctors in the networks as
much as it is about ways of lowering medical expenses. As people complain about
the network of providers due to the recent changes in Healthcare Reform; the
question you should be asking your provider is; are you part of xyz network?
Healthcare reform has changed drastically for the better to help many people
who once were never able to receive any type of coverage due to either
unaffordable premium rates or because of a person's pre-existing conditions.
The changes with Healthcare Reform has made it possible for
even with people who has multiple health conditions; even they are now able to
get the medical services they need from healthcare professionals. Many people
today place too much value on their providers; either they are part of the
insurers network or they are not.
Most consumers do not understand the purpose for in network
and the out-of-network benefit of providers. These two features are important
in the sense they can and will save you a certain amount of money by using
providers within the network. An example; for someone whose goes to their
in-network provider their co-insurance will be lower than compared to someone
who goes to an out-of-network doctor. If you choose to go to an out-of-network
provider your co-insurance could be as high as 40% to 50% more depending on
certain plans. Insurers cannot make health care professionals stay in their
The purpose for using in network providers is to help
control the cost of insurance and this helps control what insurers pay
healthcare professionals. Though you may have built a relationship your current
provider; if he or she is not willing to accept lower negotiated rates, then
they will not be part of the network, and as a consumer you would have to find
another doctor in the network if you want to save money on the services
rendered by a physician. If insurers are going to lower insurance premiums,
healthcare professionals have to come on board and accept lower rates to help
reduce the cost of healthcare. This is what it is going to take to help lower
cost and to help consumers realize we all have to live within a certain budget
to control and reduce medical cost.
Is your current healthcare practitioner worthy of your
loyalty to him or her? It's not about being loyal to your physician as much as
it is about your physician being loyal to you. Keep in mind as a consumer you
are the one having services rendered to you, though your provider has an
expertise in a particular area of medicine; does that mean he or she are the
only ones practicing medicine in that specialty? Most likely not; although
every physician has the right to choose which plan he or she will accept to
their practice, one of the best ways to get your practitioner into a network is
to ask them to join and negotiate a reasonable rate with your insurer. We all
need to understand that insurance is in place to protect us from financial
losses. As consumers, in order to keep medical expenses down, we have to work
within the network of providers insurers offer us; this will help lower the
overall cost of healthcare services.
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