The Regulation Of Financial Markets In The Southern African Region - Current Status And Developments

Financial markets regulation remains a very sensitive and complex activity when it comes to governmental policy development, with relation to defining strategic options pertaining to financial regulation. This article reviews the current status of Financial Markets Legal and Regulatory Frameworks in the Southern African Region, with a special focus on case studies of selected countries.

The success of the financial sector is a key component for economic development
The financial markets sector is one important area of public concern in Africa. The need for adequate regulation and supervision of Financial Markets as an important mechanism for the promotion of economic development in African countries cannot be overemphasized. Financial markets regulation remains a very sensitive and complex activity when it comes to governmental policy development, with relation to defining strategic options pertaining to financial regulation. This article reviews the current status of financial farkets, the legal and regulatory frameworks in the Southern African region, with a special focus on selected countries.

The topic under investigation relates to the regulation of financial markets by governments within the Southern African countries both at national and international levels. It attempts to grasp its rationale, objectives, approaches and the practical ways of defining a regulatory framework for a modern African financial market and system. At a time many experts are calling for liberalization of financial services in Africa, it is important to analyze what are the rationale, advantages and implications of financial markets regulation for Southern African countries under the light of new international instruments and standards, such as the Basle II Framework and the WTO Agreement on Financial Services of 1994, whose operational modalities are is still under negotiations on various key aspects.

This paper attempts to examine the institutional and regulatory framework for the financial markets operations in order to understand the underlying principles of financial markets regulation development; to develop a concise outline of financial markets regulation framework within the South African countries; and provide as much as possible a clear understanding of policy development, key issues and challenges relating to the regulation of financial markets in the Southern African region.
The terminology used in the financial markets jargon is considered to be highly technical and can some times be confusing. While we attempt to keep a non technical language through out this paper, it is quite impossible to avoid the specific concepts used in the financial profession. For some key concepts, a concise glossary of most of the technical words is provided at request by the author.

The Southern African region: geographic coverage and scope

The broad Southern African Region considered under the present study is defined with reference to the SADC membership, currently comprising 14 countries, i.e. Angola, Botswana, Congo (the Democratic Republic of), Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. However, our scope is limited by the criteria of readily available data, and the level of financial markets development in the countries under investigation. Angola and the Democratic Republic of Congo are emerging from long wars and are still rebuilding their economies and financial systems. Both have no formal financial market. Accurate and reliable data is very limited on their systems. The study covers a period of 10 years (1994-2004).

Background overview on Financial Markets

The regulation of Financial Markets, taken as a broad concept, is the process that encompasses regulation, (i.e. the establishment of specific rules of behaviour), the monitoring (i.e. observing whether the rules are respected) , the supervision (a more general observation of the behaviour of financial institutions and operators), and the enforcement (ensuring that the rules are complied with) of the established laws.

The ultimate economic function of financial markets is to mobilize and allocate resources through financial intermediation in order to accelerate the process of economic growth. This function is performed through two distinct but interrelated components of the financial markets, i.e. the money market and the capital market. It provides channels for transferring the excess funds of surplus units to deficits ones. They constitute the mechanism that link surplus and deficit units, attracting funds from savers in the surplus sector and channeling these to borrowers for the purposes of profitable investment.

For the purpose of providing a clear understanding of this topic, it is profitable to present a wide overview of a typical financial system and the place of the financial markets holds within this framework. As a practical illustration, we provide in a table of Annex I, the Conceptual Framework of a typical financial market system (the Case of South Africa).

Financial Systems and Financial Markets development

The financial system in the Southern African region consists of providers and users of financial services. The typical financial system consists of a variety of institutions, instruments and markets that facilitate the flow of financial resources between borrowers and lenders. The financial institutions include moneylenders, banks, insurance companies, leasing companies, venture capital funds, mutual funds and pension funds, brokerage houses, investment trusts and stock exchanges.

Financial instruments involved range from currency notes and coins, cheques, mortgages, corporate bills, bonds and stocks to futures, swaps and other complex derivatives. The markets for these instruments may be organized or may be informal. The users of the markets may be households, businesses and the government. Compared to those of developed countries (Europe, Asia and America), the typical financial markets in the Southern African region are characterized by the absence or a limited number and quality of the financial services providers, the absence of many of the instruments and the lack of depth in the markets.

Financial Markets typology and structure

The financial markets play a very important part in the economy of a country and the well-being of every person. They interact with other markets and have an influence on issues such as wealth, inflation and economic stability in a country. The financial markets have their own characteristics and to be able to regulate them or operate in them, it is important to comprehend these characteristics.

Classification of Financial Markets

Financial Markets can be classified into different categories depending on the characteristic of the market or instrument used to create categories. There exist two ultimate distinctions of financial markets. The primary market, i.e. for the sale of new markets, and the secondary market for already existing securities. The capital market, which is the market for the issue and trade of long-term securities, on one hand and the money market, i.e. the one of short-term securities, on the other hand,
In general terms, the money market is the market where liquid and short-term borrowing and lending take place. The lending of funds in this market constitutes short-term investments. In a certain sense all bank notes, current accounts, cheque accounts, etc. belong to the money market.
In financial market terms, the money market exists for the purpose of issuing and trading of short-term instruments, that is, instruments where the term remaining from the date when trading takes place to the date of redemption of the loan represented by die instrument (commonly referred to as the "term to maturity"), is of a short-term nature. In theory, this term for classification as a money market instrument is given as one year. In practice, however (especially in South Africa), instruments with a term to maturity of three years or less are normally classified as money market instruments although this is not a hard and fast rule.
For the purpose of regulation, the classical typology of Financial Markets recognizes the following major distinctions :

the inter-bank and credit markets

the Money Market ;

the Equity Market ;

the Foreign Exchange Market ;

the Bond Market (for Government bonds, Corporate bonds, Eurobond market, structured bonds, etc.) ;

the Derivatives Market: ( for Futures, Swaps and Options)

Apart from the above mentioned categories, an other important distinction is established between the domestic financial markets and the international financial markets.

The institutional framework for the regulation of Financial Markets.

A financial system cannot be effective without an adequate regulatory framework. For a financial system to be effective and promote healthy economic development, it is important to put in place a sound legal and institutional framework. Various strategies and approaches are generally considered by experts for the development of financial systems. Two major strategies commonly considered are the "evolutionary" and the "proactive" approaches. Other experts have made a distinction between the "go slow" versus the "big bang" approach.
The pro-active strategy provides legal, regulatory and prudential framework which accelerates financial market development through mechanisms, institutions and financial instruments set up for this purpose. This strategy is considered as the appropriate approach for African and other developing countries for three main reasons:

Inadequate neutral incentive environment and market forces that are insufficiently strong for financial markets to develop by themselves.

Lack of institution-building capacity to determine the pace and strength of financial markets development.

Need for flexibility to allow for the use of the most efficient institutional set-up, required training infrastructure and choice of technology that is most suited to the local conditions and level of development.

The Rationale, Principles and Objectives of Financial Markets Regulation

1. The necessity for a Financial Market Regulation

Why regulate Financial markets? This question is central to the subject under investigation in this paper and before we attempt to grasp the rationale and objectives of financial markets regulation, it is important to understand why such regulation should exist in the first place. The necessity for a financial market regulation finds its basis in the same principles applied to the financial sector in general. Borrowing and lending of money create certain risks, namely :

That the borrower will not be able to repay the money ;

That the lender is receiving a fixed rate on his investment while market rates fluctuate in such a way that the yield on his initial investment is now below current market related rates ;

That the value of the capital invested could decrease due to movements in the market. In order to clearly define the rights and obligations of investors, borrowers, operators and intermediaries involved in a financial system and who operate under contractual relationship, it is of the highest importance to develop a cohesive and comprehensive legal and regulatory framework.

The stakes involved in the running of a country's financial markets are very high and it would be deeply irresponsible to apply the rule of "laisser-faire" in this very sensitive sector. In case some thing would go wrong or the financial system could undergo a serious crisis, it would result into a total collapse of the entire economy.

Such a framework should encourage discipline and timely enforcement of contracts, fostering responsibilities and prudent behaviour on both sides of the financial transaction. For a country's market to develop and operate efficiently, the legislative and regulatory framework should incorporate rules on trading, intermediation, information disclosure as well as strict sanctions against defaulters and cheaters.

2. The Rationale of Financial Markets Regulation

The rationale underlying the financial market regulation is the general philosophy and ideological background pertaining to a specific country's economic orientation, and the type of economic system adopted by the country's leadership. At present, most of the countries covered by the study are characterized by a "market oriented " economy. However, some of these countries have been under a centrally planned economy until the 1990s when they dramatically changed their economic orientation. It is the case of Tanzania, Mozambique and Angola. The changes were particularly due to persistent deficits in public budget and their inability to support the considerable burden of state owned companies unable to achieve the target economic performance. This new orientation facilitated the development of more diversified and active financial systems, leading to the creation of Financial markets in Tanzania and Mozambique. Financial Markets have their own unique characteristics and financial operators differ from one country to an other. The financial market framework should facilitate rather than impede the efficient operation of the financial system.

The Principles of Regulation

In theory, there is a distinction between general and specific principles. The following general principles are widely recognized for the formulation of an effective regulatory process:

Every regulatory arrangement should be related explicitly to one or more objectives identified;

All regulatory arrangements should be justified with respect to their cost-efficiency;

The cost of regulatory arrangements should be distributed equitably ;

All regulatory arrangements should be sufficiently flexible, in the sense of being amenable to changes in markets, competition and the evolution of the financial system ;

Regulatory arrangements should be practitioners- based.

Specific principles are identified as follows:

a. Principles related to the regulatory structure:

What is the adequate structure for financial markets regulation. One major issue in Financial markets regulation relates to the number of regulatory and supervisory agencies involved. The issue of the choice between a single regulatory authority or multiple specialized agencies is generally resolved according to the following principles:

there is a need to adopt a "functional" as well as an "institutional" approach ;

the coordination of regulation by different authorities and agencies will help to achieve consistency ;

there should be a presumption in favour of a limited number of regulatory agencies /authorities.

In practice, the institutional and functional approaches need to be employed in parallel because regulatory authorities are concerned with the soundness of institutions, as well as the way in which services are provided.

b. Principles related to the market efficiency :

These are principles designed to contribute to the promotion of a high level of efficiency in the provision of financial services. They are :

(a) the promotion of a maximum level of competition among market participants in the financial system, and (b) the securing of competitive neutrality between actual or potential suppliers of financial services. Competitiveness is likely to enhance market efficiency, which in turn causes the removal of restrictive practices that could impair trading in financial assets and the rationalization of market activity.

c. Principles related to market stability :

These principles are expected to contribute to the promotion of a high measure of stability in the financial system and an appropriate degree of safety and soundness in the financial institutions. There should be incentives for proper assessment and management of risk. It is necessary to impose acceptable minimum prudential standards to be observed in respect of risk management by all financial market participants.

d. Principles related to conflict conciliation :

Conflict conciliatory principles are designed to resolve potential conflicts arising between regulatory principles themselves. They would involve an integrated approach, aiming at the simultaneous achievement of regulatory objectives, and a target-instrument procedure for the selection of key regulatory instruments in order to facilitate the implementation of an integrated approach.

The Objectives of Financial Markets Regulation

For a Financial Markets system to perform to its highest capacity and level, regulation need to be both effective (i.e. to achieve its objectives) and efficient (i.e. to be cost effective in the use of its resources).

The economic dimension of a financial markets system requires that regulation should not impose unwarranted costs on the economy and consumers, nor impair the efficiency of financial markets. It is therefore necessary to consider a cost-benefits analysis exercise to assess the regulatory requirements.

The more complex a financial market is and more business operators increase, the regulatory process becomes more demanding and requires more specific objectives. Efficient financial regulation requires a multi-dimensional approach and a more optimizing process.

1. The overall objective of financial markets regulation:

The ultimate objective of financial markets regulation is to achieve the highest degree of economic efficiency and the best consumer protection in the economy.

2. Specific objectives:

The following Specific objectives can also be highlighted:

to secure the stability of the financial system.

It is important for a country's economy to run smoothly and the financial sector must be protected against internal or external shocks which might be caused for instance by ineffective or inefficient trading clearing and settlement systems or a major lack of market liquidity ;

to ensure institutional safety and soundness.

The regulatory framework should be extremely cautious and avoid to impose obstacles or barriers that would impair the safety and soundness of financial institutions, which need to be profitable and have sufficient capital to cover their risk exposure and face global competition ;

to promote consumers' protection:

It is crucial for a financial market to impose integrity, transparency and disclosure practices in the supply of financial services.

Concluding Remarks

In all Southern African countries, as it is in all countries of the world, the financial system is more regulated than any other industry. On the consumer protection grounds and others highlighted in this study, it is universally accepted that this should be so. Existing empirical evidence suggests that regulatory arrangements have a powerful impact on the size, structure and efficiency of financial systems, the business operations of financial institutions and markets, and on competitive conditions in the systems.

The success of a financial markets regulation depends basically on the capacity of the regulators to define the objectives of the regulation and also on the way the regulatory arrangements are related to their objectives.

Some of the countries in the Southern African Region which were able to promote a dynamic and effective regulatory framework, such as Botswana, Namibia, Mauritius, Zambia, Zimbabwe and in particular South Africa, are benefiting from the positive development of financial markets, with an unprecedented flow of capital from foreign investors.

However the financial systems in the region are still limited, in terms of the number of operators, quantity and quality of instruments and the depth of the systems. And there is still need to develop regulatory institutions, structures and mechanisms that can maximize the explicit objectives of regulation while minimizing the costs of services.

The author, is an International Consultant on Trade and Investment, Director of InterConsult Mozambique and is the Representative of Emerging Market Focus (Pty) in Mozambique. This insight paper is aimed at advising investors and business people involved in international trade by providing them with accurate legal data on the institutional and legal framework of Mozambique and the Southern African region.

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Underwriting Hard Money Deals

Hard money loans may be the perfect solution to help fund your next deal. See if a hard money loan is right for your next investment.

Plenty of real estate investors have used hard money to fund a deal at some point in their career. In fact, many investors only look for the hard money deals that call for a fast close or a level of renovation that most banks fear. I started out my real estate investing career buying and rehabbing single family houses in Texas, and I used hard money. In those days (pre sub-prime meltdown) it was a lot easier to qualify for a hard money loan as most lenders looked mainly at the equity in the property. Fast forward a couple of years and today we find many hard money lenders underwriting loans not too different than their conventional FHA brethren. Well, maybe not quite as conservative, but underwriting times have changed. As a private money expert and underwriter, I look at the following five aspects when evaluating hard money deals:

1) What type of collateral are we underwriting? Whether your buying and rehabbing a single family house, apartment building, or office warehouse, our underwriting team will take a hard look at location and demographics. We follow the emerging market trends and like hard money deals in areas on the move, especially when it comes to job growth, rental occupancy, and tax incentive programs. 

2) Do you have experience? Sure we all have to start somewhere, but newbies would be advised to find an experienced partner, or at the very least, a solid general contractor, especially if building new construction and/or rehabbing property. 

3) What's the exit plan? With the credit crunch still rearing its nasty head, borrowers need to have a well researched exit plan. That means you need to know how many days or months it will take to sell the property. Borrowers also need to be able to refinance as well. That means we will look at the credit score, and our preference is above 600. 

4) How much cash do you have in the deal? Underwriters like to see skin in the game, period. It shows determination and serves as motivation. If you're buying the property then we will probably require several months of prepaid interest, loan fees and closing costs paid at close. 

5) Can the borrower carry the project? As underwriters, we will factor a percentage of income generated by a property to be credited towards debt service. That's why it makes sense to buy income property. Be prepared to show a couple of month's bank deposits.

Now for the good news. My firm specializes in processing, underwriting and placing private, hard money loans. We have a solid network of more than 220 private lenders who have an appetite for a variety of hard money deals. They will consider raw land, apartments, office, retail, hotel, industrial, warehouse, new construction, and SFR investment. Our lenders love renovation projects as well. Don't be discouraged by some of my underwriting guidelines above on hard money deals. Keep in mind, that most of my private lenders are still mostly concerned about the equity in the property. They are not in this game to own property, only to make top quality loans on hard money deals.


Business Models

A business model succinctly describes how your business will make money. It is shorthand, insuring that all your business bases are covered, detailing only the essential elements: how you produce a product or service people want, how you tell people about it so that they want it, how you put that product in their hands, and how you make a profit.

What model best represents the unique way your business successfully delivers its products and services? A turnkey business model is based on the McDonald's principle: to deliver a product of identical quality in an atmosphere of identical ambience and with high customer satisfaction every time across 14 000 or 15 000 stores. Of course, you don't have to aim that high, but it is important to view the business modeling exercise exactly as it is intended: how would you build this business in a way that can perfectly replicate the ideal prototype of your business?

The key to the modeling approach is delegation of roles. It is almost universal that business owners struggle with the concept of delegating key roles in the business. Being stuck with a problem about delegation is being stuck in a kind of trap where you will continue to work in your business rather than on it. It's your role to give leadership by creating a business that will duplicate itself as required. Rather than thinking that you are somehow a critical part of the work flow, ask yourself, 'How can I get my people to work to a level without my consistent interference or supervision? How can I spend my time doing the work I love to do rather than the work I have to do?'

The challenge for you and your key people is to make a business model that is a complete system. The set of practices and procedures in the model become the essential tools of the business, making it incumbent on you to teach everyone in the enterprise how to use them.

Modeling creates clarity about roles and it facilitates order rather than chaos. This is good for business: it creates an environment where customers receive consistent service. It creates confidence amongst staff and it creates confidence amongst suppliers that there is order. It creates confidence and goodwill with bankers and partners who demand order and organisation rather than an individual's personal whims.

The business, after all, is there to ensure you realise your business, financial and perhaps lifestyle goals. Thus the business, rather than being a provider of a job that you created, should become a model for others to work in. This will leave you free to create what you want to create from your business. The idea of a business model should also serve as a warning for those who see business as being just a job: if they do, it will be guaranteed to remain their job.

Business models can take all shapes and sizes and do not need to be complex. But all require two essential ingredients:

* All the parts that go to make up the whole of the business - the processes and procedures - are documented. These become the procedures manuals for each part of the whole (system).
* The model must manifestly demonstrate consistency of product and service. If you need to write up the specifications for this beyond the procedures manual then some training will be in order.

Strategies become the cornerstone of a model; often the simpler they are the better.

Note that, by definition, models are designed to simplify work roles and processes so that you are not inexorably bound to any individual skill or talent. In other words, by producing a model you are in effect ensuring that the skills required to run the business are available and accessible - and can be replicated - to you both inside and from outside the business.

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Payroll Law for Non Profit Organizations - The Unemployment Insurance Reimbursement Method

One of the least understood payroll laws for non profit organizations is the reimbursement method for unemployment insurance. Many states allow non profits to elect the reimbursement method in lieu of paying unemployment insurance tax on every payroll. This article will provide information on the reimbursement method for unemployment insurance in New York and how non profits can apply for the reimbursement method thus saving on their payroll taxes.

What is the reimbursement method?

New York State payroll law allows for non profit organizations covered under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code to elect not to pay in to the unemployment insurance fund, but rather reimburse the state on a dollar for dollar basis for benefits paid to unemployed workers. This means that the employer no longer pays the unemployment tax on payroll but should there be an unemployment claim to their account, the employer will pay the state directly dollar for dollar for the benefits the state paid to an unemployed employee.

Is the reimbursement method worthwhile?

Electing the reimbursement method over the contribution method is a difficult decision non profits have to make. Some of the things to look at are the unemployment claims history against your organization and the future behavior of the organization such as: (a) Are you hiring or firing employees? (b) The potential cost of unemployment claims versus the cost of tax contributions based on current payroll and finally (c) Your tax rate and current account balance with the state.

What is important to remember is that no matter what option you choose, there is no guaranteed way to determine that your selection will save you money in the long run. We have seen organizations with no unemployment claims for years and then switched to the reimbursement method. Then, 3 or 4 claims were filed against their account in one year. On the other hand, even in the above case, thousands of dollars can be saved over the long run. Consider the case of an organization with 50 employees, their annual cost of unemployment insurance at a rate of 4.1% under the contribution method would be $17,425 per year ($8,500 base payroll * 4.1% * 50 employees). Assuming that one or two employees will file for unemployment benefits per year, and the average employee's payroll is $25,000 per year, the benefit charged to the account under the reimbursement method would be less than $12,500.00 per year.

Once I elect, can I switch from contribution to reimbursement or vice versa?

Yes, but only at the beginning of each calendar year. Keep in mind that switching will not help you with previous claims. You still have to pay your full balance owed for claims filed under the reimbursement method.

If I switch to reimbursement method, what happens to my account balance with the state?

The account balance that you had with the state under the contribution method is kept until such date that you choose to re-elect the contribution method. If you have a positive balance, you cannot use it towards your reimbursement plan; neither can you request the state to reimburse you the amount of the positive balance.

What if my account balance is negative when I switch to the reimbursement method? The balance is kept on account until such time that you choose to re-elect the contribution method. One thing to consider is that if you have a negative balance, your rate of unemployment claims are probably high and chances are that the reimbursement method is not for you.

What happens if I switch either way in the middle of a claim?

Whether the state will view your claim as a reimbursement or contribution claim, depends not on the time the claim is made or paid, but on the base period used to calculate the employee's unemployment benefits. The base period is the payroll period upon which the worker's unemployment benefit amount is calculated, generally, the highest quarter wages paid to the worker in the first four of the last five quarters.

For example, if the base period used to calculate an employee's unemployment benefits is July through June, and you switched to the reimbursement method in January, 50% of the claim will be paid under the contribution method and 50% under the reimbursement method.

Keep in mind that switching will not help you with previous claims. You still have to pay your full balance owed while you were covered the reimbursement method.

How does one apply for the reimbursement method?

A request to elect the reimbursement option can be made when registering with the Department of Labor as an employer using form NYS-100N (New York State Employer Registration for Nonprofit Organizations) filed prior to your first payroll. In addition, the request can be submitted in writing to the Unemployment Insurance Division before the beginning of the calendar year in which it is to apply, or within 30 days after the calendar quarter in which the non profit organization or governmental entity becomes liable under the Unemployment Insurance Law.

The request could be mailed or faxed to the address and fax number below. Remember to include your federal tax ID, unemployment registration number and a copy of the organizations notice of 501(c)(3) status from the IRS and include your federal tax ID and unemployment insurance registration number;

New York State Department of Labor, Unemployment Insurance Division, State Office Building Campus, Albany, New York 12240-0322. Fax: 518-485-6172.

Copyright 2010 - PayMatic Payroll Service

PayMatic Payroll Service is a full service payroll bureau based in Rockland County, NY and has been helping nonprofit organizations work through the maze of payroll and unemployment laws for over 10 years. Because unemployment insurance law in New York is so complex and many organization administrators are busy enough as is, we found that many non profits do not take advantage of these laws and are either confused or are doing thing wrong.

To answer this need, PayMatic Payroll thoroughly researched New York's Unemployment Insurance Law, analyzed scores of different organizations of various sizes and prepared this report to help organizations make informed decisions.

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3 Insurance Marketing Methods To Bring You New Policy Orders Now

Discover insurance marketing methods to generate new policy sales now. Have people eager to speak with you about their insurance policy and coverage levels. Dive-in today with 3 insurance marketing methods that will help you generate new business immediately.

When many agents enter the field of insurance they are excited about the thought of passive income. After all, when you earn someone's business one time, they will renew year after year, right? It is certainly great when you have 90%+ of your customers renew, but what if your customer base isn't big enough? What if you're past policy sales are so small that the "passive income" doesn't amount to enough for you to eat on?

Getting commissions from your past policy sales is wonderful, but counting on it can leave you exposed to, too much risk! Without a consistent pipeline of new policy sales for your insurance business you will see your check dwindle as people change policies or reduce their coverage amounts. To bring in new insurance business now, I would invite you to consider putting fresh marketing into action.

It can't be just any insurance marketing. To bring in new business now, consider the following marketing methods.

Social Networking - Don't just "get on" Facebook and Twitter. There are 100's of millions of people on the networks, and they are eager for information. Develop a quick social networking strategy that includes sharing video, text, photos and even online events to share with people the challenges and benefits of insurance. Focus your schedule to just 15 minutes a day and you will start getting more people asking you about how you can help them.

Online Marketing - While online marketing can include everything from pay per click to a website focus on just 1 aspect. Start a niche blog site (try wordpress) and write weekly, maybe even daily, about what people need to look for when selecting an insurance company and agent. Don't make it a sales pitch, be helpful and watch the search engines and prospective customers come rushing after you.

Follow up - The best insurance marketing in the world can be ruined by poor follow-up. Follow up can be in the forms of direct mail, email follow up and the phone. At a minimum with your marketing, I would invite to consider having an automatic email follow up system that adds value to prospects over 60, 90, and even 300+ days.

While there are many marketing methods to choose from for your insurance business the above three will save you time and having you selling new policies quickly. By putting just one into action you will build a pipeline quick of eager insurance prospects.

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Best Methods For Locating Great Auto Insurance

In determining what is the best way to shop for cheap auto insurance it is good to realize there are many ways currently in the world to do such an endeavor. No longer does the search for an insurance quotes package mean jumping into the vehicle and heading into your nearest brick and mortar physical insurance agency location.

In determining what is the best way to shop for cheap auto insurance it is good to realize there are many ways currently in the world to do such an endeavor. No longer does the search for an insurance pricing package mean jumping into the vehicle and heading into your nearest brick and mortar physical insurance agency location. For years now the power of the Internet has provided everyone the option of logging onto the net and searching for auto insurance and more specifically receiving an expansive list of options and prices. Times have changed as times normally do and the improvement of the vehicle(s) for obtaining vehicle insurance quotes for an insurance policy or even just a standard minimum required insurance policy have made it quite simple to achieve this goal.

Take it Easy and Relax and Look at the Insurance Rates in one or all of These Methods

The best way to shop for cheap car insurance is to see the brief list presented below. While this is not going to be an all-inclusive list for the ways of obtaining cheap car insurance these are the most-preferred and popular methods for insurance quote accumulation especially inexpensive cheap vehicular insurance quotes!

Great Methods

• Accessing the Internet and Searching for Car Coverage Rates for State Minimum and Full Coverage Policies

• Visiting Physical Brick and Mortar Insurance Agencies and Requesting an in Office Quote

• Conferring with Family Friends and Neighbors and Inquiring how Much these Individuals pay for their Current Car Insurance Policies

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How To Become An Expert At Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the best marketing strategies that any business can use. It however must be well done if it is to bring the expected results it has been designed for. You can become an expert at article marketing without having to work too hard. By following a few writing guidelines, you can become an expert in this kind of marketing overnight. Here are tips that you can easily use to be the expert that you wish to be in article marketing.

Make articles useful

This is one tip that can determine how successful you are with article marketing. Articles which are packed with useful information will always bring positive results for you. The only way you will gain the confidence of potential customers is when you have useful information for every article that you write. Useful articles will also easily boost your ranking on search engines. Always use unique but useful content on your website and you will pass for an expert.

Structure the articles well

The structure of the articles that you write can determine how good they appear to your readers and how professional you appear to be in their eyes. You should make sure that all your sentences and paragraphs are short and clearly to the point. A block of text can be boring and won't hold the attention of your readers to the end. Shorter sentences and paragraphs will not only keep your articles interesting, but will also make it easy for readers to understand what you are talking about.

Use humor wisely

Humorous articles are always worth a read and you can use humor for your article marketing success. You however must make sure that you tell the right jokes within the article without blowing it out of context. When you know what is most appropriate, you will come up with excellent articles that will favor the article marketing goals you have in place.

Pick interesting articles

Apart from choosing content that will be appealing to your readers, it is also definitely important to choose topics that you find interesting. When you write about something you are interested in, you will be more emotional and your readers will feel this too in your writing. Articles you are interested in will always gain value with your readers compared to those you are not interested in at all.

Ask and value feedback

Asking for feedback from your readers is important. This is because from the feedback you will find very helpful ideas to improve on your article marketing skills. You will find out easily what appeals to your readers and make any improvements needed. Readers also love to feel valued and when you ask for feedback, they feel that you really are involving them which should be good for you and your business. Always value feedback that you get whether positive or negative as it can bring out the expert in you.

There is so much to article marketing and it is a powerful tool that any business can use. To find out more on this topic and other business strategy insights, please click on the link below.

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Writing Article Titles: It's Not As Difficult As You Think

Capture readers attention by generating catchy headlines based on keywords within your subject matter. All you need to know is category, sub-category, keywords, a description of product, service or personality, and a website so that you research or use details from the site.

When you write an article, you need to capture your reader's attention by generating catchy headlines based on keywords within your subject matter. This will ensure that you grab your reader's attention, immediately. There are few requirements for writing effective titles:

Know the category the article will be published under

Know the sub-category

Know your keywords or phrases

Have a good description of your product, service, or personality

Search the web or your own website for details


The category is critical. Think from the reader's perspective. How will they find your content? The amazing thing about the internet is that it's all organized. Take this article for example, it is categorized under Writing and Speaking. The sub-category is Article Marketing. It's an efficient way to store content. Search engines can easily filter through your site to find relevant content to what the user is searching for. After all, tools like WordPress offer categories for a reason... might as well put it to good use.


The sub-category is similar to that of the main category. They are the children of the a parents. For example, take home improvement. There are so many children under this category such as appliances, audio video, bath and shower, cabins, cleaning tips and tools, concrete, DIY, doors, electrical, energy efficiency, feng shui, flooring, foundation, furniture, green living, heating and air conditioning... the list goes on and on. It's much simpler for a users to drill down by selecting the category the he or she is interested, thus, finding the content they want to read more quickly.

Keywords and Phrases

Keywords and phrases play a critical role with ALL content on the web. If you want to get found, then you need to embed the keywords within your article title, meta description, meta title, excerpt, and body. Again, search engines will rapidly run through it's database of indexed pages looking for these keywords, per the category, and return results to its user. If you are not including keywords inside all fields on the pages, then you are not going to get found. After brand, you should know what your keywords are before anything else. Do not stuff keywords. Ideally, 3-5 keywords is enough for a 400 to 600 word articles.


The description is a brief summary of your product, service or personality. It acts kind of like a mission statement for content. It will tell you how to carefully construct the article titles to convey a specific message to search engines users and reader across the web. The description allows you to write headlines clearly. This is the beginning of building your online presence.


Chances are, if you are looking to write article titles, then you most likely have a blog or website. There are more golden nuggets to be found within your own content than there is trying to be creative from thin air. In other words, you probably already wrote a lot of good stuff (I.e. bullet points number listed, quotes, services, products, etc.) that can be turned into 400-word articles.

Example of Writing Amazing Article Titles

Category: Health and Fitness

Sub-category: Personal Training

Description: We strive to build confidence in all areas of life. We work with top level athletes as well as clients who are beginning their fitness journey towards a healthier lifestyle. Our encouraging environment enables all ages to build strength, acquire endurance, learn the importance of injury prevention, and enhance performance levels. Our staff is at constant attention of proper technique while conditioning and our athletic trainer is able to teach the significance of strengthening the body with correct form. The Staff designs training groups in accordance to ability, age, and goal of each member. Our passion is to show each individual that they can reach their own idea of greatness on and off the field.

Website: Your Domain Name (URL)

Keywords: injury prevention, performance, nutrition, endurance, strength, fitness, health

Now that all the details are available, it's time to start writing. For example,

Injury Prevention: 3 Things I Wish I'd Known Earlier

Why the Biggest "Myths" About Fitness May Actually Be Right

Undeniable Proof That You Need Muscle Conditioning

3 Tips About Nutrition From Industry Experts

When it comes time to start writing your articles, you then write to the title, per the category. For example, if you are writing to "Injury Prevention: 3 Things I Wish I'd Known Earlier," then write the content to that title as it relates to the category and sub-category, Health and Fitness and Personal Training. The above are just a few examples, but you get the point. Finally, keep your headlines under 60 characters. Search engines will cut off the end and leave trailing periods (I.e... ).

In conclusion, don't make a big deal about writing perfect article titles. Just know who you are as a business and what you offer as a product, service, or personality. Implement keywords that you know people might use; Finally, write to the title using categories as a compass. Chances are, you just might drive more traffic to your website.

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Important Tips for Car Rental

There are a number of factors you have to take into consideration when looking at car rental sites, whether you're travelling for business or pleasure. Hiring a vehicle can be such a great experience, especially when exploring a new city for the first time. This type of service gives you the opportunity to explore at your own pace with your own group and not rely on public transport or be shoved in a bus with a group of strangers and explore based on someone else's schedule.

While car rental is a service used by people around the world on a daily basis, there are a number of things you need to know to help you lower your cost and get the most of your experience.

One of the most important tips you will find useful is be careful when choosing a vehicle. Remember you are driving in a strange city, maybe even on the other side of the road to what you are used to, so don't hire the biggest car you can find. Rather hire a car that you will feel comfortable driving, but also that is just the right size for your group. If there is only two of you, go for one of the most compact options.

You will find that the vehicles available will also vary in price with smaller vehicles being less to rent over a period of time. Another advantage to choosing a smaller vehicle is it will cost you less for fuel, even if the company offers you unlimited mileage, you will still be responsible for your own fuel, so take advantage of a smaller vehicle to save on your overall cost.

Always book your vehicle in advance. Many car rental companies offer promotional discounts if you book in advance. As soon as you have your travel dates confirmed start shopping around for vehicle hire companies and secure your booking. Even if you save a few percent on the price, this can go towards fuel and help you save in the long run.

Remember be wary of companies that charge too low a price. A company that charges considerably less than the other companies in the area should raise a red flag for you. This means they either don't have a great reputation or they charge for extras, which means in the long run you could end up paying more than expected.

Ensure you are aware of all inclusions which are in the price you have been quoted, if you are unsure check with the company before confirming you're booking and paying any deposits. Inclusions can be anything from unlimited kilometers to insurance and so much more. Don't choose any car rental solutions that don't include insurance against accident and theft, keeping you protected at all times.

Always get the final price from the company for your entire duration before booking. Ask the company for a final figure, even if you intend booking online and get the final quote in black and white. Print it out and keep it with you when you travel, this way you aren't surprised by hidden extras you weren't told about. By asking for a final quote in black and white, the only extra you may be charged with is excess if you are involved in an accident.

See if the car rental company you have chosen offers a delivery and collection service. This can be an enormous benefit and enable you to have your vehicle delivered to the airport for your arrival and collected again when you return home, this can save time and offer you added convenience when making your way to your hotel after a long flight

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How to Find the Best Car Hire Company

Whether you're planning a vacation to another city or country, or you're traveling for business, taking advantage of a car hire service can give you independence, enabling you to explore on your own time and it can provide you with a great convenience. There is nothing worse than wanting to explore the local area and struggling to find the best public transport to get you there. You are also restricted based on bus and train times, leaving you using a taxi service, which even when metered can work out considerably expensive.

Whether you're planning a vacation to another city or country, or you're traveling for business, taking advantage of a car hire service can give you independence, enabling you to explore on your own time and it can provide you with a great convenience.

There is nothing worse than wanting to explore the local area and struggling to find the best public transport to get you there. You are also restricted based on bus and train times, leaving you using a taxi service, which even when metered can work out considerably expensive.

Car hire offers so many advantages, but in order for it to be not only a convenience, but also a cost effective solution, you have to ensure you choose the best company to provide you with this service.

Chances are as soon as you have your travel dates confirmed, you are on the internet searching for a company which provides vehicle rentals. It is imperative that you ensure any companies you look at, even the internationally known companies, and provide a service in the country or city you are visiting. Any companies you look at should be reputable and offer a reliable service.

Always speak directly to the car hire company, use their email, telephone number or if they offer it, their "live chat" feature. Often speaking to a real person will provide you with peace of mind that you are dealing with a legitimate company that will provide you with a good service. Don't be shy to ask questions about their service and determine if there are any hidden extras to the price quoted, avoiding any nasty surprises when it comes time to make payment.

When driving in a strange city or country it can be an exceptionally daunting experience and you need to know you have adequate insurance. Insurance should be provided by the car hire company, so double check with them that they do provide cover in their price and what the cover protects you against. Does it only protect you in the event of an accident? Does it cover theft, should the car be stolen from the hotel parking? These are important questions to ask, along with the cost of the excess payable should a claim need to be made.

Price will play a large deciding factor in the car hire company you choose to use. Remember you are looking for a company that offers a host of inclusions in the price without any hidden extras. Ideally the price should include the duration of use with unlimited mileage, it should also include insurance for the time you have the vehicle. Ideally they will also offer a free drop off and collection, this way you can drive from the airport to your hotel and back to the airport again with ease.

Find out what other offers they have. If you have children, you may require a child seat, which could be charged at an additional fee. What about navigation? If you're visiting the city or country for the first time, you may want a satellite navigation system to help you find the major sights and attractions. Often these are also available at an additional charge.

Go through the fleet on offer. You should be able to choose between automatic and manual and there should be vehicles in a choice of sizes. Choose a vehicle that suits your requirements. If there are only two of you, choose a vehicle that you will be comfortable driving that will provide enough packing space for your luggage. Remember the smaller the car, the more economical it will be, reducing your overall cost while using the vehicle.

Rental Center Crete is a specialist car hire company that has been providing high quality vehicle rental solution in Crete since 1976. The company provides their service in all the major cities and at all the international airports, providing customers with a convenience drop off and collection service as added convenience. Rental Center Crete provides customers with a great choice in terms of the fleet they offer, along with all risk insurance, unlimited kilometers and theft insurance. The team are dedicated to customer service and ensure their service exceeds their customers' expectations. To find out more, visit their website at

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Why Recommend an Executive Airport Transfer to Your Boss

As a personal assistant you are responsible for handling all your bosses travel arrangements. This means booking his or her hotel, arranging flights and you may want to recommend they use an executive airport transfer service to get them to their flight on time and without stress.

While many bosses plan business trips on a regular basis, they will often drive themselves to the airport, there are so many disadvantages associated with this solution, while using a reputable and reliable car and driver service can offer added advantages they may not have realised before.

The first reason to recommend to your boss that he or she should consider an executive airport transfer service is that it reduces stress. Getting to any of the airports can be an exceptionally stressful experience for anyone, it can leave you sitting in long queues, struggling to find parking and maybe even missing your flight. Using a car and driver reduces this stress considerably, the driver has up to date traffic reports and flight information to get your boss to the airport with time to spare.

The next reason is that it portrays a good professional image when a business person arrives at the airport with their own designated driver. If they are meeting clients at the airport, it can make a great first impression and something that should be taken into consideration.

Another benefit is that rather than driving and struggling through traffic, your boss will be able to continue working while they travel. Most vehicles offer ample space to pull out a laptop or answer emails on a smart phone, this means they don't lose precious hours sitting in traffic unable to get some work completed.

As mentioned, the executive airport transfer companies provide a vehicle and driver, so your boss isn't' sharing the vehicle with a bunch of strangers. In addition to this, because the company stays up to date with flight information and traffic updates, they reduce the risk of your boss being late for their flight. Which is always a great advantage, as there is no guarantee that they will be able to catch the next flight, which is not ideal when traveling for an important business meeting.

An executive airport service also offers the convenience of a door to door service. This means they will pick your boss up from the office or their home and drop them at their terminal, reducing the risk of them having to walk to their terminal from the car park, which is often a fair distance or waiting for the airport taxi to take them to the terminal they need to get to.

Of course many don't realise but when you drive yourself to the airport, you need to keep your car in the car park for the duration that you are away. This doesn't only increase risk for your vehicle, but can also be an expensive exercise. By using an executive airport transfer service your boss doesn't have to worry about parking and may find the service is cheaper than the risk of parking at the airport for a few days or weeks.

The great news for you is that it is easy to book an executive airport transfer. You can go through the companies providing this service, check with your boss how much you can spend and the type of vehicle they want to travel in and then do the booking online.

It is recommended to phone the executive airport transfer company a day or two before the travel date to ensure the booking is still in place.

Sovereign is a London based chauffeur company that has been operating in the London area for over eighteen years. The company offers a wide selection of high quality vehicles, which have all been inspected and licensed to ensure customer safety at all times. This company offers a reliable, professional and luxurious service for all types of occasions throughout the London area. Sovereign offer their services for weddings, diplomats, airport transfers and luxury London tours and more. They have a professional and friendly team available to answer questions and take bookings and they also provide an online booking solution for added convenience.

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How to Save Money On Car Insurance Today


Planning Your Trip Prior To Booking A Minibus Is Very Important

Minibuses are not only for public transport. They can be hired for private affairs. These vehicles are most appropriate when people intend to travel in groups. Minibuses are not only affordable but also cosy, entertaining and spacious.

Minibuses are not only for public transport. They can be hired for private affairs. These vehicles are most appropriate when people intend to travel in groups. Minibuses are not only affordable but also cosy, entertaining and spacious. They have multiple seats and you can switch seats with your friends to break the boredom. Before you can approach a car hire company you should plan your trip as a group. The bus company needs to know your destination, your departure and arrival time, your number and the features you are looking for in a vehicle.

A forward-looking company has a fleet of different minibuses to meet the demands of different customers. A group of seniors may prefer reclining seats or seats with extra cushions for comfort while a bunch of laidback; fun-loving youths may be more interested in entertainment. The point being emphasized here is adequate planning prior to hiring a suitable bus. There are multiple car hire companies on the internet that could offer you the latest minibus features for an affordable fee.

So you should not limit yourself when choosing suitable features for maximum safety and comfort. As a group, however, you should determine the maximum amount you are willing to raise per person. The total amount raised will let you get a clear picture of the kind of auto you can afford. As hinted above, minibuses offer many seats. Even so, you need to pick a vehicle that will accommodate everyone. If you are a small group of twelve, you could get a 12-seat bus. If you are over twenty people but not more than twenty-five, you could rent a 25-seat coach.

This type will be perfect for all kinds of events including sports, weddings, graduations or just a night party or music event. A minibus that can carry most people has up to thirty-six seats. Hence you will need another smaller van if you are more than thirty-six people. If your group has people of all ages, you probably want to consider the needs of everyone first. Some of you may be disabled or have nursing little kids. It will important to think about their special needs as you pick a suitable minibus for your upcoming trip. Also, you need to talk about the meeting points if some of you live in the next town.

Will the van pick everyone at their gate? It is important to inform your driver everything they will need to do for you throughout the trip. If you want to stop over at a given place for lunch, dinner or sleep, let your driver know in advance. If one or more seats needs to be reserved for friends who will be picked somewhere along the way, let your driver know so they can keep that in mind. Will you be travelling during the holiday season? Bus hire companies get more customers during holidays and it is advisable to book early. If you reserve a minibus late it might have odd features or be too expensive for the group to afford.

Travelling by bus is ideal when you have a long trip. We offer modern class minibuses with different number of seats and interior equipment. Minibus hire derby is a reliable minibus company with a clean accident record, great customer service and reliable drivers.

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Finding the Best Van Insurance Can Make a Big Difference

There are several different things that insurance companies need to know about vehicles before they are able to insure them. This can greatly affect the cost of the insurance and what kind of coverage the company is able to offer. The best van insurance is not always easy to find though.

Insurance can be difficult to understand sometimes too. There are many different things to consider before buying any insurance. Vans can cost more to insure, because they can be expensive to repair if damage occurs. Ones that are used for business purposes can contain very expensive equipment too.

A commercial van can be carrying a lot of different types of things. The insurance on them could be expensive because of this. It is important for the insurance agent to know what kinds of things will be hauled with these vans too.

There are many industries that can benefit from using a van for their service vehicle. Plumbers, painters, engineers and more are going to be able to carry all of their tools with them. There is a lot of room in a cargo van.

The insurance on some of these will need to cover the contents inside of it as well. Some of those tools are very expensive to replace. An insurance company will base their insurance quote on this.

When getting insurance quotes, it is very important to get quotes from many different companies at one time. Many brokers will check the different companies and choose the lowest rate for their clients. This is something that is going to be extremely important when choosing insurance rates.

The circumstances are different for each company though. The driving record and who will be driving the vehicles will be another thing that has to be considered. There are a lot of things that people have to think about when they are choosing an insurance company.

Everybody has something different that they are going to want to do when they are considering getting insurance. Many companies that use these vans will have several of them so that they can employ several different service technicians. This is something that helps their business grow faster.

Clients can generate their credit score online for a very limited amount of things. An agent is going to be able to give a more accurate rate. An online quote generator is not going to be able to base the quote on as many things. It will be limited as to what the client is able to enter.

The policy holder's age can affect the premiums as well. This is because a younger driver does not have the experience that a middle aged driver does. Elderly driver rates may be higher as well, because many of them are considered a risk because of their physical condition.

Contacting a broker for a more accurate rate is going to be one of the better options. This is going to ensure that everything is accurate. When people are entering information online, it is difficult to know what exactly to enter.

Everybody has a different circumstance and a different type of company that they are trying to insure vans for. Some businesses only consist of one person. This is going to have a positive impact on the insurance rates as well.

Every company will say that they are giving the best van insurance rates. It is impossible for every one of the companies to give the best one. They may be giving the best rate that they can give to their client. Some people are not happy with this number so they will search elsewhere for all of their insurance needs.

Insurance companies can charge a wide range of premiums for their coverage. Every one of them offers something different. Arkwright Insurance Brokers offers many different kinds of insurance, including personal insurance, business insurance, property insurance, motor insurance and specialty insurance. They have affordable rates for their clients. They are efficient in handling any situation that may arise. They are effective in handling claims as well. A lot of people have difficulty understanding their policy and knowing what coverage that they need. Arkwright Insurance Brokers can help them understand what they need.

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Ways To Hire The Most Luxurious And Comfortable Minibus For Your Trip

People who travel frequently are rarely stressed out. They meet new people, see new places, breathe fresh air and most of all they forget their problems. You should also take frequent trips whenever you have free time. Group travel can be more exciting and cheaper as there are minibuses for hire. Rental minibuses are usually luxury vehicles that are hired by travellers who want to move as a group. If there is an occasion you want to attend with your friends, you can all use a minibus instead of personal vehicles.

As long as you have great bus drivers your journey will be smooth, comfortable and amusing. A minibus may be smaller in appearance but it has adequate space inside. Everyone in the group could keep their luggage inside. It also has an extra storage boot on the outer side, allowing you to carry enough luggages for your trip. Because you will hire a private vehicle, you can choose two drivers among the group members to drive you. Personal drivers are likely to drive safely on the roads, as they realize that any damage to the bus would be their financial liability as well.

All the same it would be wiser to use the minibus company driver if you intend to get drunk during your trip. Ensure that the bus driver has no criminal record or history of causing road accidents. Although safety on the road should be observed all the times, it would be so painful to get into a grave accident as a group of friends or workmates. As you look for a suitable vehicle make safety your first priority. In addition, make sure that the minibuses you want to rent are regularly inspected, repaired and maintained.

A driver could be perfect and still cause an accident because of an undetected mechanical fault. Furthermore, you want to rent a bus that has a suitable insurance cover. A serious car hire company will definitely insure and maintain its vehicles. It will also employ thoroughly trained and experienced drivers. Comfort is very important when you have to be stuck in a bus for several hours. Therefore it makes sense to view the interiors of an auto prior to booking it. Seats should be properly upholstered, clean and comfy. Windows should slide easily when pushed as you might need fresh air.

Curtains on the windows would be a bonus. Depending on the kind of friends you want to have a trip with, an interior music system with a video option or a TV screen could be compulsory. Buses are advanced nowadays in terms of interior features for entertainment and comfort. There are buses that offer refrigerators, tray tables, individual folding tables, a big WC with a wash basin and free Wi-Fi among others. It is your budget that will determine the sort of rental auto you can afford. So you should hold talks as a group and decide on the type of features your rental minibus should have.

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Cheap Auto Insurance for College Students


Reasons and Tips to Choosing a Chauffeur Car Service

Chauffer car services are increasing in popularity for a variety of occasions, whether it's traveling to the airport, getting to your wedding or looking to portray a professional image when international clients arrive for a business meeting. Whatever the reason, this type of service offers a host of advantages.

The first of the benefits to choosing a chauffeur car service is the comfort it provides. You get to sit comfortably in a high quality vehicle with your own personal driver who will take you where you need to go. This is luxury at its best and ensures you don't only arrive in style, but that you are comfortable and completely stress free.

The next advantage to choosing this type of solution is that it provides you with a reliable service, ensuring you get to where you need to go with time to spare. If you're traveling to the airport for example, the driver will already have your flight information, know if there are any delays and will also have traffic updates, ensuring they miss traffic jams to ensure you get there on time.

This can help reduce stress. Anyone who has travelled to the airport, especially some of the top international airports know that when they arrive they are completely stressed. In some cases the queue of cars can start on the motorway well before the turn off to the airport and by the time you arrive you are ready to pull your hair out in complete frustration. Imaging reducing this stress, getting there on time and not worrying about the queues, traffic jams or even parking, for that matter.

Another benefit is that chauffeur car services always offer you a selection of vehicles to choose from. You can choose based on luxury, number of passengers or even the reason you are using the service in the first place. For a group you may want to choose a large SUV, but to travel to the airport in style you may want a luxury sedan, while for a wedding you may want a spectacular Rolls-Royce. There should be a wide choice for you to make your selection and arrive at your destination in style.

Some of the things you may want to consider when hiring a chauffeur car service is the price of the vehicle and driver hire. Each company will offer different rates, which are normally based on time you need the vehicle, travelling distance and day chosen. Ensure you shop around and get an idea of prices. Prices shouldn't be too different between the companies, so any company that appears too cheap or too expensive should be crossed off your list immediately.

Next you will want to do some research on the chauffeur car service you are thinking of hiring to determine their experience. Obviously choosing a well-established company that has been operating in the area for many years and has built up a solid reputation will be the best choice, even if they are slightly more expensive than the next company.

You will want to ensure that the company has their vehicles inspected and maintained on a regular basis and that they have all the relevant insurance in place. Don't be shy to ask. This is a question that they expect you to ask as you want to ensure you will arrive at your destination safely.

Finally, ensure the driver they are sending for your chauffeur car service experience has the relevant license to drive you to your destination. Many of these drivers have undergone advanced driving tests to ensure your safety at all times.

Sovereign is a London based chauffeur company that has been operating in the London area for over eighteen years. The company offers a wide selection of high quality vehicles, which have all been inspected and licensed to ensure customer safety at all times. This company offers a reliable, professional and luxurious service for all types of occasions throughout the London area. Sovereign offer their services for weddings, diplomats, airport transfers and luxury London tours and more. They have a professional and friendly team available to answer questions and take bookings and they also provide an online booking solution for added convenience.

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Auto Insurance Full Coverage But Cheap In Cost


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The Benefits of Choosing a Chauffeur Airport Transfer

Thousands of people make their way to the airport each and every day, whether it's to fly to an exotic location for a much needed break from the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's to visit friends or family or for business purposes. Many have to manage their way through the streams of traffic to collect someone arriving. Whatever the reason, there is an easier way which offers a host of benefits, a chauffeur airport transfer.

Many are under the impression that hiring a vehicle with a driver can be an expensive exercise, but will be pleasantly surprised when weighing up the cost of a car and driver against parking their own vehicle at the airport while they are away. The driver and vehicle comes out tops every time.

The first benefit of choosing a chauffeur airport transfer is the convenience that it provides. You get to enjoy the convenience of being collected at your door and driven directly to the airport without having to share your space with strangers on the same route, which is something you often experience when using airport transfer services.

In addition to the convenience that this service provides, you also enjoy a stress free experience. Anyone traveling to an airport knows how frustrating it can be, you end up in queues of traffic as you get closer to the airport, this can cause unwelcome delays, even cause you to miss your flight. By the time you arrive and have found parking, you are so stressed that the start to your vacation or business trip begins on a negative footing. Using a driver service gets you to the airport completely relaxed, enabling you to check in with time to spare, feeling good about the experience and enjoying the flight.

Of course there services usually provide high value cars that ooze luxury. There is nothing better than travelling in style, which is a huge advantage whether travelling for business or pleasure.

Surprisingly, as mentioned before choosing a chauffeur airport transfer is good value for money and in most instances, the companies keep up to date with flight information to ensure you arrive in time and have ample time to check in and catch your flight.

A chauffeur airport transfer is also reliable. They are working for you and send one car and driver to collect you and your party. You aren't relying on a small bus that has to collect a number of people along the way, making a number of stops and causing unwelcome delays. You get to arrive at the airport with time to spare, enabling you to feel relaxed and stress free about your experience getting to the airport.

There are some considerations you need to make when choosing a chauffeur airport transfer service to ensure you receive a reliable service from a reputable company that will provide you with inspected and licensed vehicles and a professional and experienced driver who knows the area well.

The best place to start your search is online, here you can compare the different chauffeur airport transfer services to determine the best one to meet your requirements. You can also go through their fleet of vehicles and find the one that you want to travel in that also meets your budget.

The company you choose should give you the ability to book your service online with ease, saving you time and energy. It is always advisable to phone the company a few days before you are due to travel to ensure your booking is still standing and that there will be no unwelcome or unexpected delays.

Sovereign is a London based chauffeur company that has been operating in the London area for over eighteen years. The company offers a wide selection of high quality vehicles, which have all been inspected and licensed to ensure customer safety at all times. This company offers a reliable, professional and luxurious service for all types of occasions throughout the London area. Sovereign offer their services for weddings, diplomats, airport transfers and luxury London tours and more. They have a professional and friendly team available to answer questions and take bookings and they also provide an online booking solution for added convenience.

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